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  • Seminar In Computer Science (11015)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The students research an up-to-date advanced algorithm topic and conclude their work by researching and analyzing scientific material, giving a lecture, coding a POC, presenting a demo, and drawing an evaluation plan.


    As an advanced student, you have already proved your ability to learn scientific engineering material.

    Thus, in this seminar you are required to independently apply the knowledge and the abilities acquired in the previous stages of your studies.


    The overall work (finding and choosing a subject, collecting resource material, writing the proposal,

    completing the POC and its evaluation plan, and presenting in class) requires about 100 hours for completion.


    The seminar can be done in pairs, and in special cases even in threes (working in threes requires special approval), when the scope of the work will be accordingly.