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  • Chemistry For Medical Engineering (50001)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The course is divided into three parts: general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.

    1. Chemistry: What is matter? Measurements and moles; Chemical formulae and chemical reactions; Gas laws; Atomic structure; Periodicity in the periodic table; The chemical bond and intermolecular forces; Acids and bases.

    2. Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons; f?unctional groups; Isomers and polymers.

    3. Biochemistry: Proteins; Carbohydrates; Lipids and nucleic acids; Enzymes.
  • Biology Of The Cell (50009)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The cell is a complex and dynamic

    unit that forms the fundamental basis of unicellular and multicellular life.

    Topics in cell anatomy include: organic molecules, biological membranes,

    cell organelles, cytoskeleton, cell junctions and extracellular matrix.

    Topics in cell physiology include homeostasis, catabolism and anabolism,

    membrane and intracellular transport, cell respiration,

    receptors and cell communication. The immune system as a model for cell-cell

    communication and cooperation.

    Other important subjects the course deals with include:

    molecular genetics, cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and fertilization,

    stem cells and differentiation, cell aging and apoptosis, the cancer cell.
  • Physiology And Systems Control In The Human Body (50104)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Anatomy and func tion of the gastrointestinal system, control of carbohydrate,

    protein and fat metabolism, regulation of total-body energy balance,

    the endocrine system, renal anatomy and physiology, consciousness,

    the brain and behavior, biological clocks, sport physiology

    Special attention will be given to the func tion and integration-

    how parts of the body work together at various level of organization and to homeostasis.
  • Introduction For Tissue Engineering (50107)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Introduction, the basis of growth and differentiation,

    in vitro control of tissue development,

    in vivo synthesis of tissues and organs and models for

    tissue engineering. Transplantation of engineered cells and tissues, immunomodulation,

    stem cells as a cell source for tissue engineering, gene therapy.

    Tissue engineering of the cardiovascular, cartilage,

    bone and the hematopoietic systems. Wound repair and engineering skin tissue.
  • General And Systemic Pathology (50109)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    In the first part of the course (general pathology), the basic pathological changes occurring

    in a hypothetic tissue are considered (e.g. necrosis and inflammation).


    In the second part of the course (systemic pathology),

    the pathologic mechanisms discussed in the general pathology section are related

    the various organ systems. In each organ, normal structure,

    func tion and the symptoms that arise from pathologic changes are discussed.