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  • Data Sructures (10117)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Issues of the course:

    Recursion. Recursion as an interdisciplinary thinking paradigm. Analysis of Algorithms and Mathematical Foundations: Growth of f?unctions and Asymptotic notations, Summations, Recurrences: The Substitution, Iteration and Master Methods. Searching for a term in a sorted and an unsorted list, minimum, maximum, merging sorted series, analyzing the complexity of their run times.

     Abstract Data Types, the Concept of Implementation, Data Types in C. Lists: Linked Lists, the Linked List as a Data Structure, Circular and Double Linked Lists. Stacks, Queues, Infix, Postfix, Prefix and Evaluating Expressions.

    Trees: Binary Trees and Traversals, Binary Search Trees and Josephus problem, General Trees, Balanced Trees.

    Heaps and Heapsort, analysis of Heapsort . Sorting and Searching:, Quicksort,

     analysis of Quicksort, Sorting in Linear Time : Bucket sort, Radix sort, Counting sort . Median and Order Statistics, Select algorithm and their applications. Sequential/ Binary/ Tree Searching. Hash Tables.