- Electrical Engineering 2 (20137) תקציר הקורס:
- Introduction To Electrical And Electronic Engine (20816) תקציר הקורס:
- Electronics (30150) תקציר הקורס:
Serial and Parallel RLC resonant, Frequency Response Analysis, First and Second -order circuit,
Poly phase Circuits, two port network parameters, Coupled Circuits.Abstract:
Lumped Circuits and elements: description passive components, physical dependences between charges, current, voltage, power and energy. Signal properties. Voltage and current sources. Basic laws: Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws. Elements connection and equivalent circuits.
Delta- Way elements connections and transformation. Winston bridge with variable resistor. Maximum power transfer.
Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Power in AC circuits. Circuit analysis methods and network multiple independent DC and AC sources: mesh-current and node-voltage methods, superposition, Thevenin and Norton equivalents. Frequency response of RLC circuits, serial and parallel resonance circuits.Abstract:
Semiconductors, diodes, practical examples of the use of diodes, Zener diodes and stabilizers, linear suppliers, BJT שמג FET transistors: DC and AC analysis,
current sources, amplification circuits, operational amplifiers