- Preparation Course Physics (7201) תקציר הקורס:
- Preparation Course Physics1 (7211) תקציר הקורס:
- Physics Laboratory-Mechanics (90918) תקציר הקורס:
- Physics Laboratory-Electricity (90919) תקציר הקורס:
Basic concepts and Mathematics: algebra and trigonometry; determination of velocity and acceleration. Newton's laws, Energy and momentum conservation, circular
motion and the relation between all the laws.
Electric field and force, potential and voltage, energy of the electric field, electric current, resistivity and conductivity, Ohm’s law.Abstract:
Basic concepts and Mathematics: algebra and trigonometry; determination of velocity and acceleration. Newton's laws, Energy and momentum conservation, circular motion and the relation between all the laws. Electric field and force, potential and voltage, energy of the electric field, electric current, resistivity and conductivity, Ohm’s law.Abstract:
The course Physics Laboratory 1 - Mechanics is designed to acquaint
the students with the physical equipment and experimental techniques in the field of Mechanics.Abstract:
The Course Physics Laboratory 2 - Electricity and Magnetism
is designed to acquaint the students with the physical equipment and experimental techniques in the field of electromagnetism.