- Electronics (30150) תקציר הקורס:
- Control Theory (30302) תקציר הקורס:
Semiconductors, diodes, practical examples of the use of diodes, Zener diodes and stabilizers, linear suppliers, BJT שמג FET transistors: DC and AC analysis,
current sources, amplification circuits, operational amplifiersAbstract:
Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic and feedback systems,
control systems representation by transfer func tion,
Performance criteria ,transient and steady-state response analyses,
stability of feedback systems, Routh's stability criterion,
steady-state errors in feedback control systems, P,PI,PD,PID
controllers and compensators, Root-Locus analysis, compensators
design by the Root-Locus method, Frequency-response analysis,
bandwidth of feedback systems, control system analysis by Bode criterion,
compensators design by frequency response.