- Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engine (20816) תקציר הקורס:
- Digital Systems in Medicine (50118) תקציר הקורס:
- Electronics (50136) תקציר הקורס:
- Control and Medical Sensors (50137) תקציר הקורס:
- Final Project Part A (50411) תקציר הקורס:
- Clinical Engineering and Medical Technology Systems (50501) תקציר הקורס:
- Clinical Trials (50502) תקציר הקורס:
- Advanced Signal Processing and Its Medical Appli (50503) תקציר הקורס:
- Ethics Information Security and Regulation in Clinical Engineering (68007) תקציר הקורס:
Lumped Circuits and elements: description passive components, physical dependences between charges, current, voltage, power and energy. Signal properties. Voltage and current sources. Basic laws: Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws. Elements connection and equivalent circuits.
Delta- Way elements connections and transformation. Winston bridge with variable resistor. Maximum power transfer.
Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Power in AC circuits. Circuit analysis methods and network multiple independent DC and AC sources: mesh-current and node-voltage methods, superposition, Thevenin and Norton equivalents. Frequency response of RLC circuits, serial and parallel resonance circuits.Abstract:
Information representation - numbers, arithmetic operations, codes. Boolean algebra. Combinatorial logic circuits. Implementation of combinatorial logic circuits:
Arithmetic circuits (full adder, parallel binary adder, decimal adder, multiplier), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) structure, comparator, multiplexer, encoder.
Programming components: read-only memory (ROM), PLA, PAL. Asynchronous tracking circuits. Synchronous tracking circuits.
Implementation of tracking circuits in MSI and LSI: parallel register, shift register, asynchronous and synchronous counter, read/write memory unit (RAM).
Central processing unit (CPU) structure. Microcomputer embedded medical devices.
Logic circuits and signals (signals) - definitions: logic signals, logic levels, logic families, basic transformation,
Parameters of a typical logic circuit: transmission characteristic, noise immunity, static and dynamic power dissipation. Behavior in time: gate response times, rise time, fall time, delay-power factor.
Relays - SR-FF, D-FF, JK-FF, Master-Slave, multi-phase circuits, shift registers and counters, synchronization between clocks and Metastate.
Dynamic logic - analog shift registers: CCD, Bucket Brigade, shift registers, gates, dynamic decoders, PLAs.
Memory cells - SRAM, DRAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, E²PROM cells. sense amplifiers.
Bipolar digital circuits - transfer f?unction characterization of gates of standard families: ECL, LSTTL, TTL.
Fan-In and Fan-Out. Crimping and clamping circles. Use of the above mentioned digital systems in medical devices.Abstract:
Semiconductors, diodes, practical examples of the use of diodes, Zener diodes and stabilizers, linear suppliers, BJT שמג FET transistors: DC and AC analysis, current sources, amplification circuits, operational amplifiersAbstract:
Basic concepts of medical instrumentation: Historical Background, Terminology, general structure of medical measurement and biomedical treatment systems, characterization of medical measurement systems, classification of medical instrumentation. Mathematical analysis and equivalent circuits of biomedical measurement systems – electrical, mechanical, heat, and flow. Measurements of biological potentials, electrodes and circuits. Measuring temperature with a thermistor, thermocouple and by infrared radiation. Measurement of mechanical variables such as speed, acceleration, force, pressure and flow. Piazoelectric transducers, capacitive transducers. Principles of sensors based closed loop life support systems. Electrical safety medical measurement systems.
System classification: mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic and hybrid systems with constant lumped elements. Construction of equivalent circuits, formulation of mathematical models. Examples of medical devices: equivalent circuits and mathematical models of a thermometer, membrane model, blood pressure, electrode. Analysis of continuous systems in the time domain: response to initial conditions, impulse response, convolution in response to arbitrary excitation. Thorough analysis of first-order and second-order systems. Analysis of medical devices control systems and measuring devices: Is a rigid catheter better than a flexible one? Why a trapped air bubble in medical measuring system is not only dangerous clinically, but also impair measurement quality? Laplace Transform and its applications; transfer f?unctions, poles and zeros in the frequency domain. Description of the state-space, presentation of state equations and their solution in time and frequency domains. Description of systems using block diagram. Frequency response. Difference equations and their solution, response to initial conditions and convolution.
Feedback systems, stability: Root Locus, Nichols chart.
Bode diagram.
Physiological control systems, and control systems interaction with physiological systems.Abstract:
The final project workshop will accompany the students through the various stages of the final project:
During the second semester, the workshop will assist in a detailed definition of the nature of the project, the engineering challenge, the goals, objectives and metrics, alternatives for the execution of the project, initial design, building a work plan and defining the project's deliverables.
During the workshop they will learn the procedures, which include how to work independently and work with the project supervisor, milestones, assignments and grades.
During the workshop, training will be given in effective presentation skills of engineering topics and in particular the final project.Abstract:
Aדpects of operating medical devices in hospitals and in the community. Structure and operation of a medical engineering department in a hospital and at an insurance company. Integration with the systems for medical infrastructure and information and computing.
Medical Informatics, computer integrated biomedical systems (diagnostics, treatment and follow-up).
Medical equipment procurement processes, liability of equipment and/or software manufacturers for medical uses. Maintenance of medical equipment. Topics in medical archive organization, communication systems, decision-making procedure, cost-effectiveness considerations in the development, purchase and operation of biomedical equipment.
Assessment of medical technologies. PMA approach versus ME TOO approach. Centralized (CDRH - FDA) and decentralized (European NB) approaches.
Life cycle of a device - idea, technical trials, IA trials, Helsinki trials, transition to large-scale production: GMP and ISO, registration and licensing of medical devices, post-marketing follow-up, recall from the market.Abstract:
Historical review and current definition of clinical trials in Israel. Basic concepts: IRB, Ethics Committee, informed consent. Regulatory control approaches. Clinical trials design and management. Analysis of experimental results and summary. Reasoning. Expansion in terms of experimental time and patient population. Ethical and legal questions in a clinical trial.Abstract:
Extracting clinical information from medical signals and applications. Medical signals and their characteristics. Techniques of measuring medical signals. Time analysis versus frequency analysis. The relationship between the different frequency ranges and the components of the systems in the human body.. Correlation and spectrum. Techniques for feature extraction and classification.
Signal models - stochastic vs. deterministic, linear vs. non-linear. Gaussian and stationary models. Reduction of noise and artifacts - linear filters and noise model.