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  • Introduction to Signals And Systems (20124)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    In this course an overview of different signals and systems characteristics

    will be given. Mathematical methods in order of analyzing and processing

    signals will be developed. Signals are analyzed in continuous and discrete linear systems.

    Signal processing is performed in the time domain and in frequency domain.

    In addition, Python simulations are performed, in order to illustrate and implement the topics covered in the course.
  • Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (20128)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The main objective of the course is to acquire basic tools and capabilities to analyze, characterize and design of digital signals and linear systems.

    Course topics: Mathematical background, basis in the discrete time domain,

    LTI systems in time domain, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), LTI systems in the frequency domain,

    Bode’ curves, Z Transform and LTI systems in the Z Domain, poles and zeros map, basic methods for systems implementation, STFT, zero padding, windows, design of FIR linear phase filters.
  • Introduction to Electro–Optical Engineering (20343)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Introduction and elementary historical laws, light sources with emphasis on lasers, the sense of color and its definition, reflecting elements (mirrors) and diffracting elements (lenses and prisms), optical imaging and elementary fixtures, imaging quality, (Aberrations and MTF), optical interface (atmosphere and elementary understanding of fiber optics), detectors (vacuum tubes, semiconductors, power detectors and photon detectors). Elementary introduction to wave propagation in fiber optics.