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  • Development on WEB Platforms (10266)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The topics that will be covered in this course include:

    Client Side: Html5, Handling sites, CSS

    Programming languages: J?avaScript, DOM, Jquery, Regular expression, Json, XML, ECMAScript6 +

    Server Side: Nodejs & Extension, Ajax, HTML5 server side, MySQL, MonogoDB,Vector DB, React , Next.js,

    Understading relevat AI Topics in web application, and Integrating the AI Content in Web
  • Blockchain Vision and Practice (10354)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Blockchain technology considered as a revolution in scale of Internet’s and printing invention.

    In the course we will review and implement some of the blockchain’s technology components. Including P2P network infrastructure, advanced data structures (linked list, Merkel trees and more), consensus algorithms, and cryptography.

    The blockchain brings a breath of fresh air in many new paradigms:

    • In the field of law (defining and creating smart contracts).

    • In the field of government (building decentralized autonomous organizations).

    • In the field of software (building distributed applications) and more.

    A review of the topics will certainly clarify why this is huge magnitude revolution.

    The first groundbreaking application of the Blockchain is Bitcoin, and because of its weaknesses, news substitutable currencies are emerging, with new groundbreaking ideas. Nevertheless, the Bitcoin itself already overturns many paradigms of the current economy, which currently does not know how to digest it. In the course we will review and understand the weaknesses and strengths of the leading cryptocurrency market.

    In the second part of the course, we will acquire and understand the breakthrough of the Ethereum’s infrastructure. The Ethereum define new ecosystem that includes cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts which eliminate the need for regulators, and define new paradigm “DeFi market” for the global economy.

    The contracts enable crowdfunding without any centralized regulator (Like banks and governance), In this part of the course we will build and test smart contracts.

    The third part of the course will be dedicated to building distributed applications on the Blockchain, summarizing the addition and integration of the previous parts of the course. In this part the students will be required to define and develop a skeleton project of a decentralized application on Blockchain, the project will be built as a project with a private currency and NFT.