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  • Computers Communication (10013)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Principles of constructing computer communication networks and the various mechanisms activated in them. The course’s focus is on the Internet, its physical and logical structure and the principles of constructing network applications over it. The main line in the course is the 5 layer model. The course is organized by a top-down approach following Kurose and Ross for methodology for teaching computers communications.
  • Data Sructures (10117)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Issues of the course:

    Recursion. Recursion as an interdisciplinary thinking paradigm. Analysis of Algorithms and Mathematical Foundations: Growth of f?unctions and Asymptotic notations, Summations, Recurrences: The Substitution, Iteration and Master Methods. Searching for a term in a sorted and an unsorted list, minimum, maximum, merging sorted series, analyzing the complexity of their run times.

     Abstract Data Types, the Concept of Implementation, Data Types in C. Lists: Linked Lists, the Linked List as a Data Structure, Circular and Double Linked Lists. Stacks, Queues, Infix, Postfix, Prefix and Evaluating Expressions.

    Trees: Binary Trees and Traversals, Binary Search Trees and Josephus problem, General Trees, Balanced Trees.

    Heaps and Heapsort, analysis of Heapsort . Sorting and Searching:, Quicksort,

     analysis of Quicksort, Sorting in Linear Time : Bucket sort, Radix sort, Counting sort . Median and Order Statistics, Select algorithm and their applications. Sequential/ Binary/ Tree Searching. Hash Tables.
  • Operating Systems (10303)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources. The OS provides common services for computer programs.

    In this course we aim to learn the classical issues regarding modern OS.

    Particularly we will cover the following topics: system calls, Process management (scheduling, context switching, synchronization, threads, deadlocks); Memory management (paging, virtual

    memory), File systems.