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  • Mathematical Logic (90913)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Propositional logic: syntax. Semantics, propositional calculus. Interpretations. Deductions systems: L system , Deduction theorem, consistence, soundness and

    completeness theorems.

    Predicate Logic: syntax: terms and formulas, Semantic predicate calculus.

     Deduction systems: K system, deduction theorem. Consistence, soundness and completeness theorem. Relationship between system L and the system K. G?del incompleteness theorems
  • Discrete Mathematics (90926)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Logic – basic definitions and concepts, predicate arithmetic. Set theory – basic definitions, general relations, equivalent and order relations, mathematical induction principle, f?unctions and set cardinality. Combinatorics – basic definitions and principles, Newton binomial formula, inclusion – exclusion principle, pigeonhole principle, recursions, generating f?unctions Graph theory – basic definitions and results, trees, Euler graphs.
  • Discrete Mathematics IBL (90955)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Introduction to Logic - basic concepts, Set Theory, Relations, Equivalence Relations, Order Relations, Induction, f?unctions, Cardinality, Combinatorics, Newton's Binom, Inclusion-Exclution, Pigeon hole principal, Recursion, generating f?unctions and Introduction to Graph Theory