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  • Gender Sexuality & Desire In Cyberspace (80926)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Technology reshapes desire, authenticity and questions of (gender) identity. Cyberspace broke the rules of identity, love and intimacy and reconfigured them. The course addresses the various aspects of the human-technology interface and the ways in which life in cyberspace has done exactly that by way of anonymous disembodied communication, cyber topographies that invoke worlds of fantasies on social networking platforms. We will study the seminal feminist "Manifesto for Cyborgs" as a foundational, epoch making text, and its implications not only for understanding how technology changes gender constructions, but also what this means to those whose intimacy occurs online. It is going to be our goal in this course to make a nuanced and sophisticated appraisal of how cyberspace has reshaped questions about our identity (who am I? what is my emotional world? how do I relate to other people I meet online?) and actions (e.g. dating).