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  • Thermodynamics Heat Transfer and Flow Mechanics (6701)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    This course will introduce some major topics in the field of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics 2 (30118)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Dimensional analysis, applications for internal and external viscous incompressible flows,

    analysis of open channel flows,

    analysis and applications of one –dimensional compressible flows.

    Viscous flow, laminar and turbulent flows, boundary layers.

    Dimensional analysis. One dimensional compressible flow.
  • Measuring Instruments and Sensors (30160)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    Performing engineering / scientific experiments at a high level is much needed both in industry and in research and is considered as a field by itself in the world of engineering. This course is designed to provide students with basic concepts of measurement systems while emphasizing the limitations and measurement errors as well as ways to deal with those errors. The course is an integral course that combines different subjects from the fields of engineering and statistics to deeply understand the important characteristics of the measurement system and its features.
  • Fluid Mechanics and Measurements Laboratory (30161)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    This course is designed to provide students with concepts in measuring systems, transducers and measuring devices, data logging systems, calibrations, thermal experiments, environmental conditions experiments.
  • Cad (30333)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    This course consists of two parts: CAD and mechanical design, where both parts of the course have a common task: design a mechanism in accordance with procedures up to a full production portfolio level.
  • Thermal Process Engineering (67005)
  • תקציר הקורס:


    The course will review power plant components and methods of analysis, proper thermodynamic design in combination with economic considerations, post-production tests.